Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pain In The Butt!!!

Holy cow! So I have been working on English 9 packets for two days straight now. I am almost completely done with one and not even halfway done with the second! My brain is fried! And the worst part is, they're online packets. I can't even begin to count how many times my work has been deleted because I accidentally clicked on something or it just stopped working so I had to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and start it ALL over again! Talk about frustrating. And what makes it even worse is that I was 1% away from getting a passing grade in my English 9 class... It was fourth term, and I can still remember talking to her and oh my, I was SOOO mad... I couldn't believe it. And she even told me that she's usually lenient and I would've got a passing grade if my final project hadn't sucked so much. She didn't like my final project... and I worked long and hard on that project... just goes to show english is definitely not my forte. Teachers can be so dang harsh sometimes!


  1. Seriously, I hear ya Megan. My mom kinda screwed Lizzy and I once in English. It was.....8th grade and we were reading "Night". It's really good but very detailed in what happened with the Jews during ww2, Anyways my mom didn't allow Lizzy and I to read it so we read different books while the class read that book. I worked really hard so did liz but our teacher still gave us a failing grade because of my mother. Dumb ass. Not my mom my teacher. Don't tell my mom i told you. Oh and in High School Ap English, we both aways got into trouble when our assignements looked exactly alike and would get bad grades on assignment but if you read someone else and it was just like ours they would get full points. I hated High School!

  2. ah! I hate when that happens! it's like you feel like you don't just have to do the project well..but you have to do the project well, the way the teacher would like. it's like.. isn't it about if the project was good?? and not about if it fits the teacher's preference opinion?? frustrating.
