Monday, February 23, 2009

Another One

New post. I have a lot of stuff I need to get off my mind.

Hard work and dedication. Why do some people start something that they know will require work, and yet they don't care, don't try, or expect it to be easy? Take me for example. When there's something I don't want to do and there's no motivating influence for me to do it... I do it grudgingly. But, when something motivates me to do it, the chore then seems fun and not so tedious. Also, when I find something I'm good at, and there are certain requirements to fulfill so I can keep doing that something, I bust my butt off and do everything I can to keep doing what I do. But there's a catch... I also have to rely on my team. There are those fun people that we all know and love that don't care about the team and basically are telling you and the other team members, "You're working your butt off for nothing because I don't care and I don't want to do this anymore. I want this to be overwith asap." To me, that's extremely selfish. And don't judge me, I know I'm not perfect. I'm writing these posts for my own benefit as well. But when I work with people, and I work my butt off for the team as well as for myself, and the other team members work so hard too, you feel really stupid for working so hard for the ones that don't care... because all they are doing is dragging the team down with them, but they're selfish and are only thinking about themselves and what they want... and again, you find yourself on the deciding line of if your team will be able to continue and work together and settle our differences... or to have it ripped out from under us. We'll see what the future holds... As a great teacher of mine always says, "Be your better"... yes, it will take work, and yes, it will be hard at times... but isn't that what life is all about?

1 comment:

  1. and this is why we should do ultimate frisbee. you are a good team player! please? please? please? PLEASE???
    also.. i like what your teacher said, "Be your better" and you're right. it will be hard sometimes, but that IS what life is about and what you didn't write is that it will get easier the better you get at it :)
