Sunday, July 24, 2011

No More

If you are content to let her walk all over you
And the rules you set in this house,
Don't expect me to feel sympathy for you.
If you don't even have the guts to say anything,
Then I won't speak up for you anymore.
She's your daughter-in-law.
Speak up for yourself.
If you are going to keep on like this,
Then stop complaining about it.
You're the one who lets her keep on.
And thanks for just throwing me over the edge.
Thanks for not backing me up.
Thanks for looking at me like I'm an alien.
Thanks for ignoring me.
Thanks for making me the outcast.
I love this.
This is what I live for:
Being the outsider.
But hey, I tried speaking up for you.
I told you I would.
You promised you'd back me up.
You didn't.
You looked at me as if I was insane.
I should've known.
And I can't say anything about it to you,
Because then you'll be all pissed off at me.
I even asked her to stop NICELY.
Do you know how hard that was?
I wasn't attacking her.
I was so nice about it.
And now everyone's ignoring me.
I love it.
Now I remember why I hate living.
I'm sick of dealing with people.
I'm sick of myself.
I'm sick of being the
No, no, I'm not supposed to judge others.
I forget.
I'm the one at fault.
Everything is my fault.
My bad.
You're off the hook.
Besides... I'm the only one that gets insulted constantly every Sunday...
So don't complain to me...

Friday, May 27, 2011


I feel your eyes
I hear the scratching of your pen
As you record everything
Inside of me
Invading everything
My darkest secrets
The horrors of my soul
Open for the heavens to see
The shame of what I know
To be in that book...
There are no words to
Express my horror, my
It shames me to the core
Leave me alone
I hate knowing there is
One who supercedes
It isn't fair,
It isn't right
I am filled with
Paralyzing horror
Knowing my soul is
Every second
Every minute
Every hour
Every day.
I hear you laugh
As you watch me when
I am by myself
Knowing all of me is
I wish the flames to
Consume me
To take the book of my soul
And burn us both
Out of existence.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I feel like I am being watched constantly,
and I don't like it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fucking Hypocrite

Oh, I get it.
You can swear and call me a
jackass all you want
when you get angry.
If I get angry and call somone
an ass, you tell me to
watch my language.
Well, you fucking worthless
you can fuck yourself and die
for all I care and I would not
shed one tear.
I would not attend your
You have taught me to be an ass.
Your ways are engraved into my bones
because I didn't have any real friends to
teach me differently.
I am cursed by you.
I hate you.
God hates me too for sending me to an
asshole like you.
And then he tells me he sent me here
"to [my] home by the hand of God where
parents love [me] and watch over [my] soul."
You have not cared one bit about me.
Where were you when I grew up?
All you've cared about is golf and cars and
always having to get the new and improved things
in life.
When have you ever cared one shitload for me
or any of my siblings?
My hate for you consumes my soul.
Any time I see myself acting like you,
or doing something you would do,
my loathing for myself and you deepens even further.
I am messed up because of you.
I hate you.
I despise you.
I would rather have never been born,
never have existed,
than have you as a father.
You are a worthless father.
You have even corrupted mother.
She acts just like you.
And everything that happens is my fault.
I can't get angry, but you can.
You are an ass.
You never earned the title father,
because you never were.
And then I'm told I should be grateful to you
for living.
I'm corrupted by you.
I'm sick of trying to change because I always
I'm sick of feeling like a failure, but I do every day.
Every day I live is a failure.
I can't do anything right.
I never did.
Of course, I can't blame it on you, because we have our
we make our own
and sometimes that is true,
but with me and you,
it's bullshit.
You never cared.
You never have.
And I hate you.
Living in this house is like not living at all.
I hate this family.
It is a curse.
I hate you for everything.
I don't know what mom saw in you then
or what she sees in you now,
because I see nothing.
You are worthless.
When will I feel the
icy embrace of
because I will be
embracing it right back.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Me Again

What's changed?
So why am I blogging?
Couldn't tell you.
Look, I get it!
I know I act like a retard.
I know my mentality is quite unstable.
I don't know how,
or why it happened,
but somewhere,
sometime in my life,
something went extremely wrong,
and I can't figure out what.
So please, you don't offend me by saying
you don't want to be friends.
You offend me with the act.
Stop pretending.
I promise I am not as shallow and stupid as
I seem to be.
Stop indulging me.
It's not funny.
It never was.
Stop telling me, "Oh, hey, lets do something."
and then forget.
Most of this is my fault though.
I should be seeing right through your crap,
but I keep hoping that someone will care.
I also hope that I'll change too... but it's obvious
to see how successful I've been at that.
I know I'm a freak, but what you don't know
is how fucking hard I work to change that.
There is no excuse for my failure.
I'll never be normal.
I will be a freak for the rest of my life,
worse than a loser.
I wish I could crawl into a hole and never,
ever, come out.
My very existence is an embarrassment.
So fuck off.