Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I don't understand why people don't believe me sometimes. I've been trying to explain things, but I'm just not good at explaining, so people don't believe me then and it's frustrating. Well, recently, I've been just getting so mad because I've been trying to explain something to a family member and this family member just doesn't get it. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall. Last night I told this family member something and they didn't believe me! They just walked into their room and said, "Whatever." I'm getting so ticked! I wanted to punch them in the face!!! I'm really telling the truth, but they don't believe me and it's so freaking gay! They ask me every day, "Can you walk yet?" I really want to say, "Yes, I immediately healed overnight... idiot! No, I can't, I'm sorry!" And then this person tells me, "It's been over a week! I just don't understand why you can't walk yet." I just want to say, "Well then, why don't we switch bodies (or just feet) for a day and let's see how good you walk, let's see how well you can keep your balance, let's see you not cry out in pain with every step, much less cry from the pressure of standing! Let's see you not yelp when you accidentally bump your feet into something or when someone accidentally steps on your feet or whatever! Come on, try it fool!" Unfortunately, I don't have the guts to say that to this family member, and even if I did, they wouldn't believe me anyways, so I'll just have to live with their crap... AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! BEYOND frustrating!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So I decided I hate blogging. I never know what to write about because there is nothing to write about. It's not fun at all and no one really reads your posts anyways unless they have really boring lives and nothing to fill their time with besides reading blogs and doing nothing. It's not even important, so why, do you ask, am I blogging? Answer: because I have to for school. Do I enjoy it? NO! Does my blog bore you? Most likely. Hey, it bores me. I guess I'm just a really boring person. What a revelation...